How to Update phpSaaS

Posted on 2023-11-24 Updated on 2023-12-20

Step 1:- Go to Cpanel Filemanager public_html/admin/uploads
Step 2:- Upload here file  (manually upload the zip file in the admin/uploads folder via FTP or Cpanel.)
Step 3:- After uploading is completed, Go to admin -> update page.
Step 4:- Click on the install button and wait for completion.
Step 5:- Done.

Note:- If the process does not work then you need to check the below requirements on your server. You can do this on your own using Cpanel, or contact your web host and ask them to increase those limits to a minimum as follows:

Memory_limit 512M
Post_max_size 512M
Upload_max_filesize 512M
PHP ZIP extension

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