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How this SaaS Business Works ?

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Posted on 2024-02-10

How phpSaaS Business Works ?Let’s take an example of SaaS demo based on "Advocate Management System" Niche first - Now, you might know there are 3 types of user roles in a SaaS Business –1.    Super Admin - Owner of the Website2.    Client/Subscriber - Who subscribe to your SaaS Application3.    End user - Who actually use the ApplicationUser ...

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Add Plugins

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Posted on 2024-01-29

Manage all your plugins here.1. Add new Plugin - Choose file and click the install button2. Plugin Market - Choose from variety of plugins from Marketplace.

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Posted on 2024-01-29

Manage your deployment status here. 

Front End Personalization

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Posted on 2024-01-29

1. Add blogs and view all your blogs in one click2. Categorize your blogs3. Add blog categories4. View all blog comments5. Testimonials6. Pages7.FAQ's8. Change Theme

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Manage Packages

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Posted on 2024-01-29

All your Plans, transactions will be displayed here.

Personalised Dashboard

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Posted on 2024-01-29

Get your dashboard personalized as per your requirement.A visual display of your daily growth.Personalized day/week/month specific growth trend.

Manage SaaS Users

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Posted on 2024-01-27

1. Admin --> Users --> Click + button to add new user present on the right bottom side of the page.2. Enter details - Name, Gender, Country, Domain, User Name, Email, Password3. Click the tick/OK icon on the right hand side when done.3. Now user is added post which you can -           a.Login as user          b.Edit user          c.Delet...

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SaaS Run Update Settings

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Posted on 2023-12-20

SaaS Run Update Settings

SaaS Deploy Script Settings

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Posted on 2023-12-20

SaaS Deploy Script Settings

SaaS Seed DB Settings

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Posted on 2023-12-20

SaaS Seed DB Settings

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